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Spirit of Life Radio Program - Exploring Science and Spirituality (Formerly, Metaphysical Universe)

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ICMH Church offers a variety of educational programs including regular live broadcasts. We continually work to feature a growing variety of topics and occasional guest speakers that contain many practical life-skills and relationship-enriching techniques. These will not only improve your life, but will also lift your spirits!


July 2024 Programs

July 3, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Reinvention

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley explore the important topic of Reinvention. As we move through our lives we will find many motivations and causes to reinvent ourselves. Life is constant change and it will necessitate reinvention. Ensuring that the process of reinvention is a healthy one is paramount, as is holding on to the core values that make us who we are. Please join us as we continue to ponder the metaphysical questions of our time, on Spirit of Life!


July 10, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Relationships Among Stars: Aspect-Based Compatibility in Astrology with Special Guest, Dr. Zack Frame

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley are joined by Dr. Zack Frame for an engaging discussion of astrology. While we do focus on how it may pertain to relationships, both romantic and not, we cover many aspects. We also consider the complexity of humanity and how other factors are at play. And lastly, we celebrate the diversity of humanity, and how our differences help us succeed. Please join us for another adventure into the metaphysical on Spirit of Life!


July 17, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Special Guest, Wendy White

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley are joined by a special guest Wendy White. Longtime listeners will recognize Wendy as our Inner Oracle card keeper. Weekly when we pull Inner Oracle cards, Wendy will track who gets what card to look for interesting patterns, and she brings her findings for the first half of 2024 to discuss. Join us for a fascinating discussion about reinvention, the courage to face the unknown, and more on Spirit of Life!


July 24, 2024

Mindful Expansion

On this edition of Spirit of Life, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley have a wide ranging and open discussion. And we also emphasize the importance of holding on to our joy in this chaotic world. Please join us for another journey into the metaphysical!


July 31, 2024

Mindful Expansion



June 2024 Programs

June 5, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Déjà Vu

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley talk about the fascinating subject of Déjà Vu. The discussion ranges from the known scientific causes to theories from some indigenous American tribes. We also discuss how the mind works and consciousness in general. Please join us as we continue to explore all things metaphysical, on Spirit of Life!


June 12, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Time and Existence

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley have an open discussion. We explore ideas such as time, it's relation to reality, and the many possibilities of existence. We will only see what we are open to accepting. Please join us for another wide ranging exploration of Metaphysical Humanism on Spirit of Life!


June 19, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley discuss several topics. We talk about keeping an open mind, yet being grounded. We also explore recent thoughts on consciousness and how each living person is a world unto themselves. Please join us for another exploration of the metaphysical on Spirit of Life!


June 26, 2024

Mindful Expansion

On this week's broadcast, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley have another open discussion. We talk about the fascinating subject of the recent IMHS newsletter, "quantum physics suggests death may be an illusion." We talk about how we can successfully face adversity in our day to day lives. And we again talk about the importance of keeping your mind curious in this ever changing world. Join us again for a journey into the metaphysical on Spirit of Life!


May 2024 Programs

May 1, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley have a wide ranging discussion. We discuss the importance of celebrating milestones in recognition of IMHS and TFU's upcoming May 4th graduation ceremony, and how important it is to celebrate our achievements in life. We also examine the importance of healthy relationships, boundaries, and managing our expectations., And as always, healthy communication is key. Please join us on Spirit of Life as we continue to explore all things metaphysical!


May 8, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Exploring Cycles of Saturn: Childhood, Adulthood, and Old Age with Dr. Zack Frame

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley are joined by Dr. Zack Frame. He discusses his recent research into new ways of looking at the different phases of our lives and planets. There are many aspects to life and we explore many facets of them. Please join us for another journey through the metaphysical world, on Spirit of Life!


May 15, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Sentience

On this edition of Spirit of Life, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley discuss the vast topic of sentience. What makes us sentient? What is it that makes a creature self-aware? We also go beyond this to discuss consciousness in general, from the smallest forms of life up to the most complex animals. Please join us for another exploration of the metaphysical!


May 22, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley have a wide ranging and open discussion. We cover topics ranging from recent news on solar flares; our inner monologue (or lack thereof) and how we have diversity of thought; and how spiritualism and materialism relate to our perceptions. Please join us on another exciting journey into the metaphysical, on Spirit of Life!


May 29, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Time

On this week's broadcast, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley delve into the vast topic of time. From relativity, to our unique perceptions, we explore many facets of time and how they impact our reality. Please join us as we continue to explore the mysteries of our world on Spirit of Life!


April 2024 Programs

April 3, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Confronting Our Fears

Tonight on this Broadcast, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley tackle the important topic of confronting our fears. We discuss everything from primal fears such as spiders and heights, to much deeper existential fears such as change, social judgment, and death. Please join us as we explore healthy methods for confronting these fears, and more, on Spirit of Life!


April 10, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Physics in the 21st Century

This week on Spirit of Life, we discuss some of the most recent developments in the world of physics, quantum gravity. In addition to this fascinating topic, we talk about the long history of physics in human history and how far we’ve come. Please join Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley for another exciting exploration of our reality!


April 17, 2024

Mindful Expansion - The Metaphysical Nature of the Alien Abduction Syndrome with Dr. Rick Telesca

On a very special edition of Spirit of Life, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley are joined by Dr. Rick Telesca to discuss Alien Abduction Syndrome, and the metaphysics behind it. We have a wide ranging discussion of alien contact. Dr. Rick takes us through some of his experiences in this field for a fascinating analysis and discussion. We discuss the need to remain grounded, yet open. Please join us as Dr. Rick shares his experience with us to help us continue to explore the mysterious!


April 24, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Managing Our Emotions

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley delve into how we can manage our emotions in a healthy way. Like many things in life the key is balance. There is a time and place to express our emotions, but they should never be stifled. And as with many things, proper communication with those around us and setting proper expectations is paramount. Please join us for another fascinating journey exploring the human experience!


March 2024 Programs

March 6, 2024

Mindful Expansion - The Metaphysics of Gray Aliens with Dr. Rick Telesca

On a very special program, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley are joined by Dr. Doug Kelley, and special guest Dr. Rick Telesca. In a wide ranging discussion Dr. Rick takes us through when alien life may have first appeared, what they may be, and what relationship they may have with humanity. In a limitless universe, there is limitless possibility, and we explore the very fundamental aspects of UFOs and alien life. Please join us for another exciting edition of Spirit of Life!


March 13, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley have an open discussion covering several topics. We discuss AI, its possible impact on humanity, and if it can be truly self aware. We also discuss the powerful impact of belief and consciousness. Please join us for another engaging edition of Spirit of Life!


March 20, 2024

Mindful Expansion

On this week’s broadcast, Drs. Michael Kelley and Vicki Hunter explore the important topic of relationships. And the best way to maintain healthy relationships, be they with our partner, family, or business associates. Communication is key, and communicating expectations is essential. Please join us on another exploration of humanity on Spirit of Life!


March 27, 2024

Mindful Expansion

On this week's broadcast, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley discuss some wonderful "what if" questions. What if aliens landed in full public view, how would society handle it? What if there is a universal consciousness? What if humans have a shared consciousness? These questions have profound implications on the nature of life and awareness. Please join us as we explore these fascinating topics and more, on Spirit of Life!


February 2024 Programs

February 7, 2024

Mindful Expansion

On this week’s program, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley discuss the different frequencies of our lives and the variety in existence. We consider the importance of keeping an open mind, but also the necessity to be grounded. Please join us as we continue to explore all things metaphysical on Spirit of Life!


February 14, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Exploring our Dreams

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley explore the fascinating subject of our dreams. There are so many prevailing theories on dreams and we discuss many of them, from what they mean in our day-to-day lives, what they may indicate for our future, and how the collective consciousness of humanity may affect them. Please join us on another wonderful exploration of the metaphysical on Spirit of Life!


February 21, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Astral Projection

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley discuss the fascinating topic of Astral Projection. We discuss the implications of this, if true, and how it’s tied to consciousness itself. There have been numerous compelling accounts of various forms of astral projection, some of the most famous being out of body experiences and near death experiences. Please join us as we explore this and more on Spirit of Life!


February 28, 2024

Mindful Expansion

On this program, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley consider how the physical and spiritual world are intertwined. While this may be true in the spirit realm beyond the vale, we focus on who our physical behaviors affect our spiritual evolution. We discuss many things about the growth of human awareness over the past 30 years, and all the work that is left to do. Please join us for another exploration of the metaphysical on Spirit of Life!


January 2024 Programs

January 3, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley look forward to a new year. With a new year will come new challenges. We discuss our ability to meet these new challenges, and the strength we can find in one another. We also focus on the hope that we have for the future, and a better world. Please join us on another journey through metaphysics on Spirit of Life!


January 10, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley have a wide ranging and free flowing discussion, covering a variety of topics. At the core of this discussion, as always, is our quest for truth. Please join us for another engaging edition of Spirit of Life!


January 17, 2024

Mindful Expansion - Redefining the UFO Phenomenon in the 21st Century with Dr. Rick Telesca

Tonight on this very special edition of Spirit of Life, Dr. Doug Kelley joins us to interview Dr. Rick Telesca who delves into UFOs, the history of possible extraterrestrial life, and how UFO phenomena has been redefined in the 21st century. Dr. Rick has an extensive background in Ufology and is a graduate of the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science (IMHS). Please join us for this very special program as we continue to explore the unknown!


January 24, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter & Michael Kelley have an open and freewheeling discussion. We discuss last week’s program with Dr. Rick on UFOs & aliens, as well as other paranormal news. We also pull cards from our inner oracle deck from ICMH, and Dr. Vicki pulls tarot cards for our live listeners. Please join us on another exciting edition of Spirit of Life!


January 31, 2024

Mindful Expansion

This week, Drs. Vicki Hunter and Michael Kelley explore the important topic of motivation. Motivation is key to our evolution in life, and is an integral part of pushing forward to experience new horizons in life. There are many sources of motivation and they change throughout our life. We also discuss the important aspect of hope, which is intrinsically linked to motivation and allows us to push forward to build a better future. Please join us as we examine these ideas and more on Spirit of Life!
