Principle 1: As sentient and evolving human beings, we not only believe in practicing and living by the principle, “Do No Harm,” but also in the principle of “Do Right” thus enhancing the vibrational level of humanity.
One of the greatest metaphysical principles in the world is “Do no harm.” This principle is embraced by millions around the world. When the number of adherents reaches several billion, we will see even more positive changes in our world.
History has taught us that this principle is one of great enlightenment. When we practice do no harm, everyone benefits. Any enlightened and evolved species has learned the beauty and necessity of this principle, otherwise they don’t survive long.
As good as this principle is, it is not enough by itself. We must also “do right.” This means that we take positive action when we see a need and when doing so doesn’t infringe on another’s right of free will. Doing right can be something as simple as holding the door for someone whose arms are full, or helping out someone whose car has run out of gas or broken down on the highway. Even a kindly smile can work wonders for people! By doing right, we also do no harm, and there are myriad ways of doing right, but we need to look for them. Why not spend the next seven days looking for ways to “do right” to those you live or work with, or just strangers on the street? (Of course, always use good judgment and discretion when dealing with strangers.)
However, there can be a “dark” side to one’s efforts to do the right thing for others, and this happens when those efforts—no matter how well-intentioned—infringe on another’s right of free will. We must know the limits of our responsibility when doing right. For example, trying to get another adult to eat healthier, or exercise, or stop smoking, or anything else are cases of overstepping our bounds. This type of “doing right” is unhealthy and is nothing more than us trying to control the other person according to our own belief system. By pressuring others to live according to our own core values against their will, we also violate the principle of “do no harm.”
Another aspect of this principle is the application of it to oneself. We so often forget to also “do ourselves no harm.” This primarily involves the denigrating thoughts we may have about our own self-worth, or enduring a toxic relationship that needs to die. Our thoughts literally create our reality, and if our thoughts about ourselves are negative, so too is our reality.
However, if our thoughts about ourselves are positive, we in essence change the vibe or vibration that we send out to others. By sending out positive vibes, we have a positive effect on others; when we have a positive effect on others, we effectively raise the vibrational level of humanity.
—Rev. Douglas R. Kelley, PhD, CH, CSL